1,095: One Year’s Worth of Other People’s Plate II, donated plates.

In conjunction with the Bristol Biennial, Bristol, England, 2012.





1,095: One Year’s Worth of Other People’s Plate II, donated plates.

In conjunction with the Bristol Biennial, Bristol, England, 2012.

LA artist Bari Ziperstein invited the community of Bristol to contribute their dinner plates to 1,095: One Years Worth of Other People’s Plates II —a temporary, interactive three-dimensional installation of one year’s worth of other people’s plates in the shape of a mandala – 1,095 is part swap meet, part sculpture. Plates collected via social networking and thrift store donations were redistributed back to the community of Bristol on the College Green during a one-day performance. Ziperstein’s sculpture-in-flux provided a point of convergence where ordinary objects were temporarily transformed before returning to their everyday status. Though a fleeting sculpture, the project lives on in the homes of those who participated. 3 MEALS A DAY X 365 DAYS = 1,095 PLATES II.